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Wednesday, April 18, 2012

RPP of Cube Nets


Unit Level Education
           : Junior High School
                              : Mathematics
Class / Semester
                : VIII / 2
                            : Cube Nets
Allocation of Time
               : 1 x 35 Minutes

I.   Competency Standard     : 5. Identifying the properties of the cube, beam, prism, pyramid, and its sharess, and determine its size.
II.  Basic Competencies      : 5.2 Drawing a cube nets and beams.
III. Indicators    :
A. Cognitive
1.    Draw a cube nets by estimating the surface area of ​​cubes
2.    Form a cube using cube nets

B.  Affective
1.    Character:
b) Individual Responsibility
c) Social responsibility
2.    Social skills:
a) Cooperation
b) To provide an idea or opinion
c) Being a good listener
d) Asking
C.  Psychomotor
1.    Draw a cube nets
2.    Form a cube using cube nets

IV. Learning Objectives:
A. Cognitive
1.    With the given cube nets, students can draw a cube nets by estimating the surface area of ​​cubes
2.    With the given cube nets, students can form a cube by arranging cube nets
B. Affective                                                                     
1. Character behavior
Involved in the process of student-centered learning, and students are given the opportunity to assess themselves against the awareness of the shows characters:
a.    In the learning process, students can be trained appreciate character. Among other things the students treat a friend / teacher with a good, polite and respectful, sensitive to the feelings of others, never insult or making a fool of  with friends / teachers, never embarrass your friends / teachers.
b.    In the learning process, students can be trained character of individual responsibility. Among others things the students working on given tasks, reliable / dependable, never make excuses or blame others for his actions
c.     In the learning process, students can be trained character of social responsibility. Among others things  the students do group work for the common good, volunteering to help a friend / teacher.
d.    In the learning process, students can be trained trustworthy character. Among others things students are honest, able to follow the commitment, try to do a given task, be a good friend and able to help others.
2. Social Skills
Involved in the process of student-centered learning, students are given the opportunity to assess themselves
to awareness in demonstrating social skills:
a.    In group discussions, students can work together in completing the task group
b.    In a group or class discussion, students actively provide ideas or opinions.
c.    In the process of learning in the classroom, students can be a good listener.
d.    In the discussion groups or classes, students are actively asking questions.

C. Psychomotor
a.       With the given example image cube nets, students can draw a cube nets
b.       With the given example image cube nets, students can form a cube using the cube net

V. Learning Methods:
a.    Demonstration;
b.    Lectures;
c.    Questions and Answers;
d.    Provision of duty;

VI. Tools and Materials:
a. Cube of cardboard and cardboard
b. Cube nets
c. Ruler
d. Stationary

VII. Based ICT / Internet:
VIII. Learning Materials:
IX.  Teaching and Learning Process :
A. Introduction (± 3 minutes)
Character / Social Skills
(done / not)

Teachers motivate students to convey some of the benefits students when studying the cube nets
In this activity, students can be a good listener, appreciate

Teachers deliver the learning objectives and deliver the outlines of the learning activities
In this activity, students can be a good listener, respect, actively ask

B. The Core Activities (± 30 minutes)

Character / Social Skills
(done / not)

The teacher explains the material on cube nets  by using physic appliance of cube nets and with frequently asked questions about the material described
In this activity, students are trained and trustworthy character being a good listener, and ask

Teachers provide opportunities for students to illustrate one example of each cube nets and one student described it on the board.
In this activity students  are trained to be a individual responsibility character, believable, and give the idea / opinion

Teachers share props cube nets to students, then together create a cube using the cube nets
In this activity, students are trained to be a good listener, respect, individual responsibility, and asked

Teachers give students the chance to ask. Then the teacher to distribute worksheets to the students to work together with its one bench friend or a group consisting of 2 people
In this activity, students can work together, be good listeners, are responsible individually and socially, ask, and appreciate the friends who give an opinion.

The teacher provides the opportunity for one group to present the results of his group to complete the class and the tecaher equip if there is a shortage
In this activity students can ask teachers to be active, be a good listener, and socially responsible individuals, gave the ideas / opinions and appreciate.

C.Conclusion  (± 2 Minutes)
Character / Social Skills
(done /not)


Students are encouraged to make inferences about the material that has been studied

With this activity, students are trained for dare to have a notion, to respect others, and individually responsible


Students are given homework related to the cube nets

With given homework students are trained to be believable, individual responsibility

X. Source of Learning:
1.    Adinawan, M. Cholik, dan Sugijono. 2007. Matematika untuk SMP Kelas VIII. Jakarta : Erlangga
2.    Viewer Tool Cube Nets
3.    Table Specifications Sheet Assessment
4.    Observation Sheet
5.    Junior High School Syllabus

Adinawan, M. Cholik, dan Sugijono. 2007. Matematika untuk SMP Kelas VIII. Jakarta : Erlangga.


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